Other Alternative Therapies

This therapy is a biofeedback system that measures the body’s electrical system. These measurements are taken at approximately 1/100th of a second each. It can measure 9,300 different items in a short period of time. The EPFX SCIO can tell us a wealth of information about a person’s health. The patient also gets energetic balancing of their energy field. The providers here at the clinic find this valuable in treating their patients. It helps them uncover issues that cannot be tested.
Umbilical Stem Cells
These stem cells are from the umbilical cord. They can be more medically useful than those from bone marrow. The collection of cord blood poses no risk to the newborn or mother giving birth. Cord blood contains special cells called hematopoietic cells. These cells are immature cells that can develop into all types of blood cells. These hematopoietic stem cells are the same type of blood forming stem cells present in a bone marrow transplant. They may treat over 70 types of disease.

This therapy is a biofeedback system that measures the body’s electrical system. These measurements are taken at approximately 1/100th of a second each. It can measure 9,300 different items in a short period of time. The EPFX SCIO can tell us a wealth of information about a person’s health. The patient also gets energetic balancing of their energy field. The providers here at the clinic find this valuable in treating their patients. It helps them uncover issues that cannot be tested.
Umbilical Stem Cells
These stem cells are from the umbilical cord. They can be more medically useful than those from bone marrow. The collection of cord blood poses no risk to the newborn or mother giving birth. Cord blood contains special cells called hematopoietic cells. These cells are immature cells that can develop into all types of blood cells. These hematopoietic stem cells are the same type of blood forming stem cells present in a bone marrow transplant. They may treat over 70 types of disease.
Homeopathy is a medical specialty that uses diluted natural substances known as remedies to stimulate the body’s innate capacity for healing. Homeopathy functions around the principle of “like cures likes”, this is the foundation of homeopathy. It was discovered 150 years ago. Since then homeopathy has proven enormously successful in providing individualized help and highly effective cures for many illnesses without causing side effects or complications. Angela Myers, APRN is trained in homeopathy and consults with the other providers.
Nutraceuticals, Vitamins, Supplements, Combination Chinese Formulas and Herbals
Nutraceuticals, vitamins, supplements, combination Chinese formulas and herbals are used in functional medicine to assist the body in getting back to its upmost state by assisting with healing.
Traditional Medicine
Traditional medicine has a place in our clinic, we depend on this aspect of therapy particularly in acute cases.
Homeopathy is a medical specialty that uses diluted natural substances known as remedies to stimulate the body’s innate capacity for healing. Homeopathy functions around the principle of “like cures likes”, this is the foundation of homeopathy. It was discovered 150 years ago. Since then homeopathy has proven enormously successful in providing individualized help and highly effective cures for many illnesses without causing side effects or complications. Angela Myers, APRN is trained in homeopathy and consults with the other providers.
Nutraceuticals, Vitamins, Supplements, Combination Chinese Formulas and Herbals
Nutraceuticals, vitamins, supplements, combination Chinese formulas and herbals are used in functional medicine to assist the body in getting back to its upmost state by assisting with healing.
Traditional Medicine
Traditional medicine has a place in our clinic, we depend on this aspect of therapy particularly in acute cases.
LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone)
There is growing recognition in the scientific community that autoimmune diseases result from immunodeficiency, which disturbs the ability of the immune system to distinguish “self” from “non-self”. The normalization of the immune system induced by LDN makes it an obvious candidate for a treatment plan in such diseases as systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Behcet’s syndrome, Wegener’s granulomatosis, bullous pemphigoid, psoriasis, eczema, Hashimoto’s Thyroid and Crohn’s disease have all benefited.
Because LDN clearly halts progression in multiple sclerosis, its use has been more recently extended to other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) whose etiology remains unknown but for which there is suggestive evidence of a possible autoimmune mechanism.
In addition, people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have had marked improvement using LDN, suggesting that these entities probably have an important autoimmune dynamic as well.
LDN and Cancer
Although prospective, controlled clinical trials on LDN in the treatment of cancer are yet to be accomplished, as of March 2004 clinical “off-label” use of this medication by Dr. Bihari in some 450 patients with cancer — almost all of whom had failed to respond to standard treatments — suggests that more than 60% of patients with cancer may significantly benefit from LDN. We cannot claim a cure for cancer, LDN may be an adjunct to cancer treatment.

LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone)
There is growing recognition in the scientific community that autoimmune diseases result from immunodeficiency, which disturbs the ability of the immune system to distinguish “self” from “non-self”. The normalization of the immune system induced by LDN makes it an obvious candidate for a treatment plan in such diseases as systemic lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Behcet’s syndrome, Wegener’s granulomatosis, bullous pemphigoid, psoriasis, eczema, Hashimoto’s Thyroid and Crohn’s disease have all benefited.
Because LDN clearly halts progression in multiple sclerosis, its use has been more recently extended to other neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease) whose etiology remains unknown but for which there is suggestive evidence of a possible autoimmune mechanism.
In addition, people with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome have had marked improvement using LDN, suggesting that these entities probably have an important autoimmune dynamic as well.
LDN and Cancer
Although prospective, controlled clinical trials on LDN in the treatment of cancer are yet to be accomplished, as of March 2004 clinical “off-label” use of this medication by Dr. Bihari in some 450 patients with cancer — almost all of whom had failed to respond to standard treatments — suggests that more than 60% of patients with cancer may significantly benefit from LDN. We cannot claim a cure for cancer, LDN may be an adjunct to cancer treatment.
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